What is emergency rescue device?

An Emergency Rescue Device (ERD) is an electronic and electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to the elevators with 3-phase power supply, when the input power source or mains power fails. An ERD differs from an auxiliary or emergency power system or standby generator in that it will provide near-instantaneous protection from input power interruptions, by supplying energy stored in batteries through a dedicated Power Bank.
- Smooth running during Power going off
- Get off at any floor without any sudden jerk
- No fear and Claustrophobia of people inside
- Panel inside the lift to show the status of power and its back up
- GSM card inside for live data of the back up system, prompt service
- No damage of elevators for sudden stop or excess current at start
- Complete peace of mind for Senior Citizens and Medical Patients
Benefits of ERD System
1. Prevents Damages : The on-Backup run-time of most Diesel Generator backup is relatively sluggish (from 90 seconds till 5 minutes or more) as mostly DG back up enabled lifts take time to switch over. And mostly ends up damaging the lift’s electronic mechanisms in the long run.
2. Saves from Disaster : An ERD provides a seamless and uninterruptible electronically controlled power supply to the lifts in all scenarios including natural disasters like fire and Grid Failure, specially for high risers in urban landscape. Lift has become one of the most important facility in any building. But In case of fire it is the first thing to be shut and strictly asked “Not to be used”. Survivors on the upper floors can come down even if there is No electricity.
3. Protects life : Another major crisis situation in emergency situations is when people are stuck in closed environs, especially elevators. This creates a fear psychosis through claustrophobia where people feel choked even if there is proper ventilation in the lift. American Journal of Psychology mentions that this can aggravate serious and life threatening situation for the occupants, especially kids, pregnant women, elderly and disabled people, and a small time lapse of 30 seconds can lead to unpleasant situations like fainting of people to a serious situation that can trigger cardiac failure.
An ERD enabled lift eliminates these horrifying situation while providing disaster resilience to the buildings, users and operators.
No Generator or existing ARD system can provide smooth operation of elevators like an ERD during power failure.
ERD – Zero switching Time Which reduces the down time of lift
Because of this feature the down time of the lift is 90% reduced. Most often lift hae the maintenance issues because of regular power cut. The moment power cut happens. ARD comes into the picture which creates most of the fault in the working of lifts.
In the ERD the switching time is almost zero so the lifts do not stop at any occasion and the generators are not required at all so whenever power goes the lifts work smoothly without any jerks and that keeps the lift electronics and electrical systems running without any break so the sudden on/ off of the power is not faced by the Lifts and since there is no break in the power the smooth functioning removes the chances of lifts failures. The power quality supplied by the ERD is better than the power supplied by the Electricity companies as it is pure sine wave power and the frequency is exact 50Hz. The voltage supplied has the high stability compared to the utility supplier. The power quality supplied by the generator cant be compared by the ERD as it has a very stable and clean power as it is only catering to the lift load only.
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