You can see diesel sets everywhere, whether you visit shopping centers, residential communities, or office buildings, especially in underdeveloped and emerging countries like India. However, this practice of getting power through Diesel generators in case of power failure is fast …

Diesel Generator vs. ESS which solution is best in today’s climate? Read more »

“Would you like to purchase a square wave inverter/UPS or a sine wave inverter/UPS?” This may be one of the most frequent inquiries you encounter while trying to buy a power converter. So what exactly is an inverter/ups? Alternating current …

Deciding between Sinewave vs. Squarewave/Sinosidal Inverter/UPS Read more »

Power outages are common, particularly in developing countries such as India. Frequent power outages without a backup system can severely disrupt normal household and workplace operations. Even the most successful companies complain about the negative impact of frequent power outages …

Why does replacing generators with LiFePO4-based Lithium-ion Technology make sense? Read more »

Generators have previously been used as a backup energy source in workplaces and homes. However, their use has recently declined significantly. UPS/inverters have already met the demand for smaller generators. Larger generators should be replaced with heavy-duty UPS/inverters now.   …

What factors make Diesel generators unsuitable for people and businesses? Read more »